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Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 2016

April 2016 - or the "month that David was in Dubai and missed it all".  It was a very full month - lots of kid activities, campaign craziness, lots and lots of walking, tours, writing, friends, and rain.

Brennan had two important band competitions/concerts.
This is the middle school state competition where they earned a Gold Medal of Distinction.  He's standing in the back on the left, playing percussion.  Great job 8th graders!

The second concert was a showcase - of every band student in our school corporation!  It was incredible.  The final piece - William Tell's Overture - was really powerful.  Brennan did a great job - as did all the students.  The parents were soooo impressed!

Brennan after the all-school band competition!  We went out for ice cream afterwards.  He worked hard.

I wanted to take the boys to see The Jungle Book but Brennan begged off - too much time spent on band and not enough on big projects he had due.  I think he needed a break.  So Thomas and I had Japanese and headed to the movie.  It was really good!

Lots of family walks with our fluffy monster.

Speaking of Bailey, he LOVES to ride in the car.  Here we are, waiting for Brennan.  He's on high alert.

Keeping Thomas from reading while we wait for Brennan another time.

Our youth led the entire worship service in April - our annual Youth Sunday event.  Brennan played percussion for several songs.  Thomas played Bill Nye in the sermon.  Here is a portion of the youth group after a very successful Youth Sunday!

Thomas and I went to IUPUI (Indiana University in Indy) to see their seniors deliver their capstone projects.  This is the program Thomas is considering for college.  We saw a lot and I think he really enjoyed it (Hard Rock Café for early dinner first).

Well, I could never imagine what it would be like to campaign for an important office in small town America.  Well, we're 45,000.  Is that small?  Anyway, it means you go EVERYWHERE there is an opportunity to support a good cause, meet people who don't know you and what you stand for, and present to groups who want to hear from both candidates.  Our campaign committee crossed the city multiple times.  There were days (like April 21st) where we had more than 7 commitments.  It was nuts.  But I'm so glad I got to be a part of this.  I learned a tremendous amount!

When Kelly said she'd pull a group together to sing and dance at karaoke night to support the Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children program, I wondered if she was thinking clearly.  But oh my goodness, she was amazing - I didn't realize she was a singer and dancer (as well as marathoner, nationally recognized hurdler, etc. etc.)  The group did GREAT and won the People's Choice award.

On the first day of early voting our committee got together to vote before our weekly campaign meeting. 

I was so proud of David for taking a few minutes to vote before he had to leave.  The primary is May 3rd.  I'm READY.  I mentioned that to a tour on Friday and the guests laughed.  I guess America is watching what happens in Indiana this Tuesday.

Here's a portion of our team.


I gave lots of architecture tours in April.  Here I am at the Miller House - the tulips are just gorgeous in April!

I also had the chance to tour Benjamin Hoffman, our featured violinist with the Philharmonic this month.  He was incredible in the "A Visit to Vienna" concert.  But earlier in the week I took him on a walking tour.  Benjamin studies at Yale right now and we have many of the same architects represented.  It was a great tour.

And friends!  Thankfully I had plenty of friends time to take my mind off David being gone so long.  Here we are at Savory Swine for cocktails and charcuterie.

Ginger and me

Some of my favorite people have April birthdays.  I got to celebrate with Robin on her big day.

And I attended a floral crown making party at Gina's shop - Pomp & Bloom.  Such fun!

Mine, to go with my floral top

Gina tying on my crown!

When I wasn't walking 3 miles, 8 miles, 9 miles, 10 miles, 12 miles getting ready for the Indy mini, I spent time outside with Bailey and the boys.  Here he is on a rainy Tuesday.

This was earlier in the month.  The flowers will be blooming in May as they're all grown up now!

David gets home Friday, but I won't see him until Saturday because of the Indy mini.
Looking forward to Saturday!