December, like always, was full of family and fun! I was just thinking to myself that it wasn't that exciting of a month really, but then I downloaded all the photos, and WOW! Quite a month!
While David was traveling, the boys and I got the house decorated for the holidays. Thomas and David fixed the lights on the tree that we inherited from the previous owners. It's customized to fit this space and I love it.

With one of my favorite people - Erin! Here we are at the Jane Lynch Cabaret at the Commons. What a night! Great concert and so fun to have Jane Lynch and Meredith from "The Office" in concert in town!
What a sport. His face says it all.
So there's David between Jane Lynch and Kate Flannery. It was fun sharing the night with Mike and Mary too!
Our evening book club, The Litwits, met for Thai in December. Who should walk in but the Santa brigade, collecting money for Love Chapel. We knew a couple of those Santas, making it an extra special night!
My old office - I love how the 6 story building always gets in the holiday spirit in December!
I asked Brennan why he got a Bulldog paw print at school. He said he wasn't sure but if he donated $$ to the cheerleaders, they would paint his face! Thomas later told me they were collecting for Turning Point Domestic Violence Shelter.
The boys wear Santa hats a lot in December. Bailey really wanted Thomas's.
David and I celebrated a big anniversary! 25 years ago we got married on a rainy Mississippi night!
A dog walker comes to see Bailey a couple of days a week now that I'm working again. They go for a walk and play for a little while around lunch time. She's amazing and got Bailey this doggy treat for Christmas. He LOVED it!
Jeanne and I met up in Louisville for a good meal and "Daddy's Home 2" which was much better than I was anticipating! We also exchanged gifts. Jeanne gives the best presents.
We made our rounds at some holiday parties which all seemed to occur on the same night. We love spending time at Ginger and John's house.
Our friend Todd turned 50 and his mom celebrated a big birthday too - on the same day - Christmas Day! Violet hosted a surprise party for the birthday duo earlier in the month.
After opening our own gifts, it was off to Mississippi for our annual tour of the state to see lots of family. We got to meet Eliza who was not quite born yet last year. What a doll!
And Jane Marie
All the Canton grandkids in town this Christmas and Tracie!
Harper (1), Curren (almost 3), Eliza (1), Brennan (almost 16), Thomas (17), and Jane Marie (5)
Danielle is learning Braille like her mommy Shelly. She wrote all of our names on our gifts in Braille as well as printed. So cool!
Cousins at Oby's. It's a tradition!
Brennan (almost 16), Thomas (17), Danielle (11), Natalie (almost 14)
We stayed at Donna and Jeffrey's house with the 4 dogs. David took this photo when I went into the bedroom to get ready for bed. Can you tell which door I went through. Ringo was apparently not too worried and was getting a belly rub on the far left.
All the pups and 3 of the cousins. Stella (far left), Thomas, Bailey, Brennan, Dexter, Natalie, and Ringo
After a quick re-packing and laundry, it was off for our first Girls Trip (+Thomas)!
Shelly, Bonnie, Grandma Nan, Danielle, Natalie, and Thomas. We missed Brennan who stayed home with Dad, but I'm not sure where we could have fit him! We had a great road trip to northern Michigan to enjoy some SNOW!
Checking out the lodge at Boyne Mountain. What a gorgeous place!
Now let me be honest. If the temperatures had not been in the negatives, we would have enjoyed it a lot more. But the horse carriage rides were cancelled due to the temps, the tubing system had issues due to frozen chains, and it's hard to spend too much time outside in the weather the country was experiencing at this time. That didn't dampen our spirits though - we all had a great time together!
The lodge at Boyne Mountain at sunset.
Thomas was defrosting his eyelids here. It was bitter cold! The kids didn't seem to mind that much though!
Danielle had never experienced "real snow" so they had a ball playing in it.
We drove up to Petoskey to check out some yummy chocolates. On the drive up, Grandma kept us updated on the Mississippi State v. Louisville bowl game. We won! Great coincidence that these two were wearing their colors. Natalie got some photos in as well!
On the way back to the Indy airport, we made a day side-trip to Frankenmuth for some yummy German food, and time to explore the Christmas community. Here we are at Bronner's - what a cool store!
And a quick New Year's Eve selfie (selfie fail - see my sign?) What a great end to a great year!