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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

November 2020

Where did November go?  It was a busy month at work, but we had a lot of great family time too.  Brennan came home Thanksgiving week and will not return to Purdue until Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is also Brennan's 19th birthday!

Our Wine Club had a quick get together to commemorate the opening of Abby's Way next to the Philharmonic.  Her parents, our friends Jan and Roger, were so touched that we could plan this event.  These photos are the only time we didn't have masks on.  Our friends are mask wearers and rarely venture too far from home these days!

Abby passed away 15 years ago in October while on a medical mission trip in Belize.  Abby's House was built in her honor and we have been long time supporters of that location for medical students and doctors to travel and stay there to provide care.

Bailey and Remy are doing well and are rarely not by my side.  Now that David and I work from home full-time, it's no wonder why most of my photos are of them!

When I sit outside, Bailey often sits with me.

Their nemesis (the mail truck) was parked IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE when we returned from a walk.  They were anxious to get there to chase him away.

Bailey was so excited to be done at the vet.  He's been licking a lot.  Had to get him checked out. He's fine, by the way!

Every time we leave the vet, Bailey stops here.  So cute!

David and I finished watching "Lost" all the way through.  We usually watch an episode or two over dinner while I catch up on my work email!  This is a frequent view from my spot on the couch.

Donna and family celebrated Grandma Carolyn's 84th birthday!  We can't wait to see all of these smiling faces at Christmas!

Renee celebrated a milestone birthday in November!  I wish I could have been with her to celebrate, but Japan is a little far.  Can't wait until we can meet up in person someday!

Here we are in 1988

And a couple of years ago!

David drove up to Purdue to pick up Brennan and bring him home for 2 months.  I surprised him with a sign.  Pumpkins by Tracie Johnston!

I took the boys shopping with me.  We had a lot of fun downtown.

Don't you love our live gnome?  He sits out on the front porch in a big pot.  So cute.

Thomas changed our sign and we had a great Thanksgiving, just the 4 of us.  We made a huge feast and really enjoyed our time together.  We also had a Zoom with our family over dessert!

The guys helped me decorate for Christmas which is always a huge help.

Brittany and I have helpers when we record our podcast, RomCom Love.  Aren't they cute?

Laura, Violet and I did a downtown walk on Sunday.  We stayed masked up because we are all dealing with COVID all day every day.  Laura as a school administrator, Violet as a teacher, and me at my job.  It's exhausting and I'm ready for that vaccine!

I hope you are enjoying all the Christmas celebrations, decorations, music, movies, and planning!  It's really a great time of year!!

Monday, November 2, 2020

October 2020

October was a great month for a birthday, a trip, and lots of hiking.

David and I took a few days and headed to central Kentucky to hike at Red River Gorge, Natural Bridge, and the Daniel Boone National Forest.  We stayed in a great two story cabin with a hot tub and balconies overlooking the gorge.  

Here is the view from the bathroom window!

We went on 5 hikes total and enjoyed the quiet.  There weren't that many hikers out although we did see a few people each day.  Here is the view from the restaurant at the lodge at Natural Bridge.

And Natural Bridge - it was worth the hike!

Someone was doing yoga on top of the bridge.  Pretty great to see.

We did another hike to Balancing Rock in the Natural Bridge area.

The landscapes and features were really very interesting!

One night we had to order from Miguel's Pizza which is very popular in the area with rock climbers and hikers and those camping.  We found the second week of October was the perfect time for hiking in this area!

Another hike to a waterfall and cave.

We really had fun and it was nice to get away.  I slept 10.5 hours the first night.  It's been a LONG year and I work 7 days/week.  It was nice to get away.

The dogs had fun with their babysitter Lisa.  

Bailey helped me vote by mail one day.  We all 4 voted this year -the first time for Brennan!

Remy and Dad after a daily walk.

And we celebrated David's birthday.  We had one hour when all 4 of us was available! 
Thomas came down and we had tiramisu and Dad got to open presents while we Zoomed with Brennan.

Mississippi State cheese from Grandma and Grandpa is always a hit!

And I got a new bike!  I love her and have named her Olivia (since this series is called "Liv").  She's soooo much better than the bike I've been riding the past 15 years.  I can't wait for some warmer weather this week to get out and ride.

I went on a masked excursion with Cindy, Laura, Ginger, and Violet one Saturday to celebrate Violet's birthday.  Stream Cliff had a holiday craft fair.  It was so much fun to walk around and purchase a couple of things, and then have lunch together at the outdoor café.  A perfect morning for an outing.

And Glow Yoga was so much fun on Halloween!  We wore dark clothes and taped on glow sticks for a fantastic workout!  

And now I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

September 2020

September has come and gone and this year is just marching towards the end.  While it's been an ugly year, every time I create a monthly update, I'm reminded of all we have to be grateful for.  

This month was quieter with no travel except to visit the boys at school.  Work has dominated my life in a whole new way (thanks COVID!) but David and I are spending a lot of time together working from home and it's pretty rewarding.  We also get to spend more time with Bailey and Remy, so all is good.

Here we are on an adventure.  Walgreens?  Drop off at the library?  I don't recall, but I take them when I can.  Obviously they are hoping for Starbucks or Chic-fil-A.

Here is Remy, hoping I'm taking him as I head out the door. 

Our Wine Club got together outdoors for a socially distant party at Mike and Mary's farmhouse.  The theme was "Costco" and all the food came from there and it was all delicious!

The renovated farmhouse

The Beer Cart!

The Beer Cart girl

Socially distant dinner set up

Our wonderful hosts

Mary, Bob, and Bonnie

We did a lot of hiking in September.  Bailey got a new backpack since he only makes it about a mile.  Remy can last 2 or 3.  We also did some longer hikes without the dogs (shhh don't tell them).

I love it that Thomas drove up to Purdue to visit Brennan a couple of times.  David has made regular trips to Purdue to take Brennan to lunch and the dogs and I went up too one weekend when David was in Mississippi.  Except for how COVID has altered the college experience, he's doing well.

The dogs go to the dog sitter's, Lisa, once a week or so.  They have a ball at her house while we work all day.  They come home exhausted so it's good for everyone.  They love that Lisa's neighbor has chickens that wander into her yard.  They could watch them for hours.  When they go outside with the chickens, they completely ignore them.  Strange.

And that's it!  Looking forward to this year finishing in a very positive way.  Already looking forward to holidays with the family and having Brennan home for 2 months as he finishes his freshman semester online after Thanksgiving.