A Sculpture Park
Aren't you tired of hearing about California? I confess - I'm still not tired of blogging about it.
For our 30th of the "101 Places to See" sites we visited Queen Califia's Magical Circle at Kit Carson Park in Escondido, CA.
Thomas really loves sculptures and he chose this spot as one of his "must see" locations for California (if at all possible). Escondido is near San Diego so on the way back from L.A., we stopped to visit.
The city park is pretty but for a long time we didn't see any sculptures. Then we parked and walked down a hot, dusty road. 
Then we rounded a corner and Thomas's face just lit up.
The sculpture garden is the only one by artist Nikki De Saint Phalle. She is famous for her paintings and sculptures of voluptuous women, called the Nanas, installed in Paris, Tuscany, and Germany.
The Sculpture Garden is encircled by snake sculptures. Very, very interesting.
David and me at the entrance. Thomas took most of the photos on this post.
I'm just going to let the sculptures speak for themselves.
The photo of this particular sculpture was in the "101 Places" book and is what got Thomas really interested in visiting.
This was one happy boy. If we hadn't been hungry for lunch, he would have stayed a lot longer.
Even the benches were sculptures (but thankfully not snakes).
From the Book:
#36 - A Sculpture Park
It's like a museum without walls and without the try-to-keep-your-voice-down rule. No walls means nothing's too big to fit, so you'll see the most gigantic sculptures, and sometimes you can touch them or even climb on them (check the park's rules before you do, please). No walls also means the weather and the sculpture can interact: the wind blows movable parts, the sculpture casts cool shadows on the ground, snow rests on top of it, and rain makes its surface slick. The sculpture becomes part of the landscape, like a tree or rock. And if the sculpture makes you want to do a cartwheel, go right ahead -- try doing that in a museum!
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