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Monday, June 17, 2013

101 Places to See Before You're 12 - A Landfill

A Landfill
Brennan and I spent part of our first weekday of summer break running errands.  We had a bunch of stuff to go to the "dump" - including some stray pieces of gutter cover the gutter guys left, the keyboard drawers for the boys' desks (I think in the future desks won't be made with keyboard drawers!), and other odds and ends that we wanted to get rid of, but not in our regular garbage.
So, off to the dump.  Both boys have already had a FULL tour of the Landfill through field trips at school.  Our Recycling Center also does a great tour, including a nature path on their site with really cool sculptures.  Here's my favorite.
But, on to the Landfill.
There are several areas so we had to know what we had.
We decided to leave our old mailbox at the Freecycle area.  I had to pull Brennan away because there was some furniture and toys that he wanted to peruse - but we weren't shopping.

In the other parts of the landfill area, kids under 16 aren't supposed to be out of the vehicle the signs told us, but Brennan helped me put everything in the right places quickly.

From the Book:
#2 - A Landfill
What weighs as much as a rhinoceros and never disappears?  Give up?  It's the amount of garbage you personally generate every year:  4 pounds every day.  Combine that with garbage created by everyone else in the country, and you've got 210 million tons of trash - enough to cover the entire state of Rhode Island, 6 feet deep.  So where does it all go?  Most of it ends up in a landfill, and you should make a point to visit it.  It may not be the prettiest (or most fragrant place) you'll see in your travels, but when you see it, it will really hit you:  Hey!  I need to recycle!

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