It turns out that the Sour family is quite large. A Sidecar and a Margarita are both examples - most drinks that have a base liquor and then lime or lemon and sweetener. Other popular versions are a Gin Sour, Amaretto Sour (yum) and a Pisco (Brandy) Sour. This variation of cocktail was first cited in the late 1800s, but became very popular in the U.S. in the 1940s.
In the article that David found in The Atlantic, two sources were cited and they were two I use regularly in my attempts at research. That was cool to see!
David enjoyed The Whiskey Sour. His only suggestion was to keep the ice cubes a little less crushed - more cube-y. OK.
To make simple syrup - boil 1/2 cup water and then remove from heat. Add 1 cup sugar and mix until well dissolved. Refrigerate the leftovers. My recipe called for 2 brandied cherries. I soaked these in brandy for a few hours.
David's Swizzle Stick Rating:
The Whiskey Sour - 5 Swizzle Sticks
The Whiskey Sour - 2 oz. Bourbon, juice of 1/2 lemon, 2 brandied Maraschino cherries, and 1 tsp. simple syrup. In a blender add all ingredients. Blend until cherries are well chopped. Serve in an Old Fashioned cocktail glass with two Maraschino cherries.
If it weren't for the still present Bourbon flavor, I would have enjoyed this. It was definitely more palatable than the other Bourbon drinks I've made so far. I will stick to the Amaretto version for now though!
I think I remember my mother drinking whiskey sours. I wonder if the ones you make with a mix taste the same as the ones you make with your own syrup?
And does having that leftover syrup in your fridge cause you to drink more? LOL
Having liquor in my cabinet causes me to drink more!
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