Brennan has been taking diving lessons at the Park and Rec pool. Here he is on his first day with a high jump. He's diving really well off the side and off our diving board but the height on this one is causing him some frustration. He'll get it though!
Here's what his brother does during diving lessons - only minor rumblings about it being hot/boring/taking too long. He's got the "Narnia" series that he's into so it keeps it interesting.
David snapped this one morning while I was out. Brennan reading the Wall Street Journal Money & Investing section.
We got this book for David for Father's Day - something he can go through with the boys. They LOVE this book. On the way back from Mississippi it warmed David's heart to hear Brennan say, "But Thomas, I wanted to read the microeconomics book next!"
Brennan asked David a number of times if they could go see the new "Karate Kid" movie. David took him one afternoon and when they got home Brennan dug his old Tae Kwan Do uniform out of the cedar chest, put it on, and went out in the front yard to "do his exercises". It was so cute. He now would like to take Kung Fu lessons. Hmm, we'll see.
He then got a long stick and did his back exercises (apparently like the kid in the movie).
We've spent a lot of time swimming with friends over the last couple of weeks. Because we don't live in a neighborhood with many kids, it's always fun when we can plan to have friends over.
Thomas & Emerson
Sophia about to make a big splash.
Eating sundaes leftover from Thomas's birthday party.
It's been a beautiful summer - here's to several more weeks of the same!