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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pioneer Days 2012

It really does seem like just yesterday that Thomas participated in our school's 4th grade Pioneer Days celebration!  You can see those photos HERE.

This year Brennan got to celebrate the 3 day event, including a trip to a one room schoolhouse in our county.  The kids had to take a pioneer era lunch wrapped in a bandanna (biscuits with bacon and an apple was Brennan's choice).  I spent the day at school, dressed in my pioneer outfit, helping the kids with pioneer crafts and games.  I really enjoy volunteering for events like this even though I'm exhausted by the time we leave school!

Pioneer Brennan

Yesterday, though, was the big Square Dancing event. Parents come and watch all the 4th graders do the 3 square dances and 2 Virginia reels that they learned over the last few weeks in Music Class. During the last reel, the kids get to ask anyone they want to dance. Most kids ask their parent who's visiting. Brennan asked a girl in his class (she was standing close by). I switched with her and Brennan's remark was "well this is awkward". Yeah, get over it :)

I did not have my camera for much of the events, but I did take photos during the square dance time yesterday.  It was really fun, and I was so proud of Brennan for jumping right in there and square dancing his heart out.  He feels like he's a real pro now.

Lined up and ready to go

Brennan and Megan

Sami and Adrienne
(They all had traditional Pioneer-era names for the event)

All the 4th graders squared up and listening to instructions from their music teacher.
Tons of parents behind me.

Serious Square Dancing Business

Swing Your Partner!

Poor Megan.  Brennan would whip her around to the starting point. 

And here is a short video of one of the dances.  You may have to click over to the blog if you are reading this in a Reader or in email.

I'm surprised Megan didn't come in today with whiplash :)

Happy Pioneer Days!

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