My boys receive a lot of arts and craft kits for their birthdays and Christmas. They really enjoy doing all sorts of projects and they are great to have handy to pull out during the cold winters of Indiana.
I keep these projects in a cabinet in the kitchen since many of them have ingredients that I don't want downstairs where we have carpet. But I also don't want to damage our kitchen table with the slime, glitter, glue, gel, etc. that come with these projects. So I have a simple solution.

I have $1 plastic tablecloths tucked away with the crafts. One will last us a year. I just shake it out in the grass and fold it back up, ready to be used next time. And the table is still in perfect condition!
That's what Works for Me. For more great ideas, check out Kristen's site.
I love messes. This is a great tip. I let my girls paint in the tub for easy cleaning. A little crazy, I know. Your idea is much better!
Great idea! My girls love to make craft messes!
I do this same thing. The grandkids love to come over to "Camp Grandma" and go all crazy with the rubber stamping and glitter. Now if I could just find something for the floor...
I do something similar, but instead of buying a plastic tablecloth I just save the ones we buy for the kids birthday parties, with cartoon characters on them. It is one of our splurges for their parties, and then we can use them throughout the year too when we do our crafts.
I love in Indiana too, by the way! I love it here, even though it is very cold!
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