After school today Brennan said "so what are we cooking today?" I love trying out these new recipes with Brennan. He's getting really good at it too! Today I told him Homemade Applesauce and he was pretty excited.
I really enjoy this pastime with Bren because it gives us a chance to talk in a relaxing way. I ask so many questions about his feelings about his new school, who he eats with, what he does at recess. It's so hard for him to connect with peers sometimes and I just want him to have that happiness that comes from connections to other people. Even when he doesn't seem to need it like I do. Today while peeling, coring, and chopping he dropped a bombshell - he has two friends at school, they play at recess together, and he's eaten lunch with them, and can he invite them over sometime? WOAH. This is awesome. I'm so excited for him, and all because we made Homemade Applesauce.

I found so many recipes for Applesauce, but decided to use my friend Jenny's recipe with just a couple of variations. It was just delicious - and so easy! I have never made it before but will definitely again and again. How is it that I have never made applesauce before?
The apples only have to cook a little while and then...

Applesauce! Even I couldn't mess up this picture. It was a great combination of flavors. Try it sometime and let me know what you think!

2/3 c sugar
1 c water
1 Tbsp cinnamon
6 lbs apples (peeled, cored, chopped) - We used Gala Apples
5 strips of lemon peel
pinch of salt
Put the sugar and water in a medium pot and turn on High. Add the cinnamon, apples, lemon peel, and salt. Mix well and bring to a boil.
Boil for 2 minutes and turn to simmer. Simmer, covered for 10 minutes. Stir well and cover again for another 15 minutes.
If you cut the apples into relatively small chunks, then the apples should be done. If not, simmer awhile longer. It will be soupy at this point. Remove the lemon peel.
Transfer to a food processor and process to the consistency you like. Garnish with ground cinnamon.
Really, really delicious. We all loved it.
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