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Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Projects

I added a project list to the blog sidebar of potential projects for 2010.  I'm a listmaker (no kidding, Bonnie) and it works for me.  I tend to make audacious lists and endeavor to accomplish as many as possible, knowing I won't get to them all, and that's OK.  Invariably something that seems critical on a Monday resolves itself or priorities shift by Thursday, or I simply decide it's not as important as I thought it was.  Big lists that have a few things not crossed off work for me.

So, as of today here are some projects I'd like to focus on in 2010.

~~Finish 1 knitting project - I've signed up for a class next weekend and I'm excited to finally learn to knit.  I have no idea what I want to do with this awesome new skill, but I think it'll be fun to have that creative outlet.

~~Learn All Songs in my current Piano Book - I've piddled at the piano for years and have a great book that I'd like to master.  It's quite embarrassing because it looks like 6 year olds on the front cover, but it's advanced enough for me that I will need to really work at most of the songs.  They're beautiful classical pieces. 

~~Participate in the 52 of 52 Mom-in-the-Photo Project - I wrote about this project here

~~Successfully Complete 12 No-Spend Weeks - This is a popular activity for a lot of families that I know of.  The goal is to not spend discretionarily for a period of time in order to prioritize on what is important.  Some families do this for a month.  I've decided to do one week/month this year.

~~Refurbish 1 Piece of Furniture - I'd really like to learn to do this.  Take an old beat-up discarded table or chair and turn it into something beautiful and functional.  I have an idea for Brennan's room.  I'm a sucker for a before-and-after!  Just need to wait until it warms up a little to be able to work in the garage - and need the right piece of furniture. 

~~Run a 5K - I would love to be a runner but I'm just not sure I'm cut out for it.  I think other activities like the elliptical or spinning work better for me.  But, I'd love to be able to run 3.1 miles - not marathons, half-marathons or 10K's like many friends do.  Just a 5K.  Surely I can pull that off.

~~Go to England - We are considering it for 2010.  We have a lot of plans that are up in the air at this point so this might not be the year, but we're seriously considering it.

~~Lose 77 Pounds - I've written about it here.  This I'm putting a ton of energy into.  I've got some great resources, friends, and family support for this one.  Wish me luck :)

~~Successfully Transition to a Stay-at-Home Mom - In a couple of months I'll no longer be working and it's a really strange thought!  But I'm looking forward to being able to focus a lot more energy on the boys, David, the house, my health, and all these projects listed above!

I'm really looking forward to a fun, healthy, creative, and project-filled 2010!


Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

I want to take knitting classes, or sewing, or crochet... something!
Good luck with the weight loss, the money spending...(I need to look into both of those!)
And the 52 in 52 project. I'm right with you on that one.

Happy New Year.

Jenny said...

Those are great goals! I love your idea of a spend free week each month!

Paula@SweetPea said...

Your goals sound like reasonable ones that you can definitely achieve with a little effort.

I'd love to learn to knit.

Sharon said...

Your goals sound really great. I have a lot that are similar. I'd love to go to England, or most anywhere in Europe! I hope you get to do that one! I'll enjoy keeping up with you this year as we both do the 52 in 52.